Ask a Winemaker: Muiris Griffin of Round Pond Estate

  • Wine
  • on JULY 23, 2015
  • 440
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ag体育正规有大约400家酿酒厂,酿酒师很难脱颖而出. 穆瑞斯·格里芬已经用他的努力克服了这个挑战 Round Pond Estate. 除了利用新技术从他们的土壤中获得绝对最好的产量, Muiris开发了创新的酿酒技术,可以生产单浆果葡萄酒——这是许多酿酒师的长期目标——这有可能对葡萄酒行业产生重大影响.

In this interview, Muiris为我们提供了一个业内人士的视角,让我们了解如何经营ag体育正规一家领先的酒庄. 除了讨论微型网站和他的单莓酒的生产, 他向我们解释了为什么参观他的酒庄对他的长期成功如此重要, 以及他和他的工作人员采取的一些步骤,以确保每个人都有一个难忘的和有趣的时间,而参观圆塘庄园.


1. What’s your favorite spot in Rutherford?

毫无疑问,我在卢瑟福最喜欢的地方是贯穿我们场地东部的砾石条纹. The whole Round Pond vineyard is producing amazing wines, 这些连续生产出了我认为是世界上最好的葡萄酒.

2. 除了你自己的酒庄,你目前有没有印象深刻/喜欢的酒庄? What makes it special?

山谷里有很多酿酒厂在酿造令人惊叹的葡萄酒, and around California, it’s impossible to pick out one. 显然托马斯·里弗斯·布朗是其中的佼佼者,我总是对他碰过的葡萄酒印象深刻. “作品一号”的迈克尔·西拉奇(Michael Silacci)总是激励我走得更远,利用一切可能的工具,从葡萄园中获得最好的收成,优化酒窖中的一切,酿造出绝对令人难以置信的葡萄酒.

3. What are your top three favorite local wines? International wines?

排名前三的本地葡萄酒绝对是来自Ridge的Montebello, Opus One和Smai. 顶级国际酒庄佩普克莱门特,靠近Telegraphe,和让·吕克·哥伦布.

4. If you’re going out after work, where can you be found?

下班后,我经常会去卢瑟福烧烤店——就在这条路的尽头,那是我常去的地方. 但坐在我们的露台上一定是山谷里最好的地方之一!

5. What is one aspect of wine you wish people knew more about?

I would say balance of structure and acidity. 我认为单宁/酸的平衡是制作卢瑟福啤酒最重要的品质因素. Also sweet fruit flavors vs. sugar, 很多人把甜的水果和残留的糖等同起来, 比如我们的卢瑟福长相思,它有浓郁的甜水果味,但非常干.

6. What is your favorite wine & food pairing?

My favorite pairings right now are sparkling with sushi, 或者我们的长相思白葡萄酒配上一点辣咖喱(不能太辣), I’m Irish!).

7. What winemaking trend are you most excited about? Least excited about?

我最感兴趣的是在葡萄园内定位微型站点,以获得各种土壤剖面的绝对最佳效果. 我们现在有很多工具来识别葡萄园中不同的土壤类型,并更好地了解如何优化这些差异以获得最佳质量. The wines better represent the sites from which they come, and we have much better options during blending. They’re aren’t really any trends that I’m negative on. I think the more crazy, random things people do in the vineyard or in the winery, the more we all learn based on the results.

8. How did you come to wine as a profession?

实际上,我是在中学参加了一次能力测试后才想到把葡萄酒作为一种职业的. I thought nothing of it at the time, 但高中毕业后在法国学习后,我变得相当喜欢葡萄酒(主要是非常便宜的玫瑰酒),我很高兴再次发现我长大的葡萄酒之乡. 我从一个家庭朋友在他们的小葡萄园开始,我被迷住了!

9. What’s the best part about your job?

There are so many great things about my job, least favorite is probably all the spreadsheeting, 最喜欢的可能是它允许我的艺术表达. This is not a perfect science. 我做我所做的事情是因为我相信这些技术是最好的,可以从我们种植的葡萄中提取出所有潜在的品质, but someone else would surely do something different. 尽管我想在地窖里尽量不插手, I still feel like I get to express myself through these wines.

10. Finish this sentence: “Wine should be…”

Wine should be enjoyed! Every wine, every time. It should be enjoyed for what it is, regardless of what it is. 例如,如果你不喜欢某一种酒,你可能会在晚宴上被招待, don’t just choke it down to move on, try to enjoy every sip for what it is in that moment.

11. What’s the most exciting thing about Round Pond?

我们在葡萄酒酿造和游客体验方面做了很多令人兴奋的事情. 我认为,我们根据土壤的具体情况将每个街区划分为微小的站点的方式正在产生令人敬畏的结果! 在街区内以不同的方式耕种这些微型站点需要大量的工作, 但它可以让我们在实践中根据每棵葡萄树的表现进行磨练.

无论您是来品尝橄榄油或葡萄酒还是我们的深度品尝, all day experiences, we aim to share a piece of the Napa Valley lifestyle with you. 我们的庄园占地近400英亩,其中包括12英亩的橄榄树, six acres of organic gardens from which we source fruits, vegetables, and eggs for our pairing menus. 我是夏季(4月至10月)每周五晚上6点至8点露台酒廊品酒会的忠实粉丝.m. by appointment only). As most wineries are closing up for the day, 我们的客人正在享受梦幻般的ag体育正规日落和标志性的玛雅卡马斯山脉的景色,搭配葡萄酒和特别的食物,灵感来自花园的农产品. It’s just heaven.

Excited to explore Round Pound Estate and nearby wineries? Discover Oakville-Rutherford wineries and start planning your trip today!


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