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By Daisy Barringer May 21, 2024

Everyone knows California’s Napa Valley 这里有世界上最好的酒庄,但不仅仅是葡萄酒. ag体育正规是一个世界级的葡萄酒之乡,充满了非凡的美食体验, stunning mountains and vineyards, and amazing art. It’s also just a hop, skip, 从旧金山和邻近的索诺玛(Sonoma)跳一跳(或者开一小段车)就能到达, which makes it a perfect destination for a day trip.

While you could easily fit in a half-day visit to Napa, we suggest making it a full-day trip, so you can do all the fun things like wine tasting, dining out, and exploring, of course. 你不需要做太多的计划,因为这条行程为你描绘了如何在不花太多时间在车里的情况下,度过美好的一天,享受ag体育正规的最佳体验. (注意:行程中的大部分站点都在市中心或附近 city of Napa, as destinations further north like Rutherford and St. Helena would eat up too much drive time.)

Start with a hearty breakfast

Photos courtesy of Boon Fly Cafe

Breakfast 品酒一定是一天中最重要的一餐吗. 蛋白质和碳水化合物有助于吸收酒精(或者至少有助于吸收得更慢)。, 没有比鸡肉和华夫饼更好的蛋白质和碳水化合物组合了 Boon Fly Café at the picturesque Carneros Resort and Spa. 位于索诺玛高速公路4048号(从旧金山或索诺玛前往纳帕), it’s the perfect spot to start the day. 专业提示:拿一打著名的甜甜圈作为汽车零食.

Blend your own wine at the Hess Collection Winery

Hess Person Estates
Photo Courtesy of Hess Persson Estate

Atop Mount Veeder, you’ll find Hess Persson Estates, located at 4441 Redwood Road in Napa, 在那里,你可以扮演一天的酿酒师,混合三种不同的品种,创造一种定制的混合,你可以带回家. Or, if you’d rather enjoy your wine with a side of art, 选择徒步游览赫斯当代艺术博物馆, 世界上最令人印象深刻的私人收藏之一, 在坐下来品尝酒庄最新发布的酒之前.


Oxbow Market in downtown Napa, CA
Photo courtesy of Oxbow Public Market

Oxbow Public Market位于纳帕第一街610号,深受当地人和游客的欢迎,这是有充分理由的. 在这个热闹的高端市场,你会发现各种各样的食品供应商, 在那里你可以享受一顿美味的晚餐,还可以找到加州当地食品和葡萄酒生产商提供的各种美食. 在决定你的午餐费用之前绕一圈(你会找到从牡蛎到汉堡再到玉米饼的一切),然后在宽敞的甲板上俯瞰 Napa River. 你也可以找到很多好东西来组装你自己的野餐, 如果你想带上野餐,沿着纳帕河畔吃饭的话.

Stroll and shop in downtown Napa

First Street Shopping
First Street Shopping, Photo Courtesy of Sarah Anne Risk

如果你除了品酒之外还想找点别的事做,那就去看看吧 First Street in downtown Napa, where you’ll find three blocks of tasting rooms, interesting shops, and unique art galleries. You can also stop by the Napa Valley Welcome Center, located at 1300 1st Street, and pick up a complimentary map for the Napa Valley Art Walk, 一个公共户外艺术展览,展出八件雕塑, all within walking distance of each other.

Tour and taste at some of Napa’s best wineries

Stags’ Leap Winery
Tasting at Stags’ Leap, Photo Courtesy of Stags’ Leap Winery

如果能在行程中提到的每一个酒庄都停下来,那将是非常雄心勃勃的, but if you want to make a go of it, they’re listed here in driving order. Better yet, pick one or two, 所以你可以真正享受体验,而不用着急或担心时间.

Stags’ Leap Winery, located at 6150 Silverado Trail in Napa, 坐落在加州最早的葡萄酒庄园之一,拥有240英亩的葡萄园和一座19世纪90年代的石头庄园,周围环绕着美丽的花园. Book the 90-minute Manor House Tour & 品尝体验,让您可以探索物业和花园享受坐品尝之前.

Silverado Vineyards, 在雄鹿跳跃区中心的西尔维拉多步道6121号, 这一切都是为了提供优质的葡萄酒和美丽的景色. Try their new White Wine & Caviar experience for something on the lighter side, 或者在他们的传统解百纳提供期间潜入他们丰富的解百纳.

Burgess Cellars, situated at 2921 Silverado Trail, doesn’t just offer exceptional wines, 但这座历史悠久的建筑也有非常壮观的全景.

如果你打算在晚餐前返回旧金山或索诺玛,那就到 Domaine Carneros 在你出城的路上,位于纳帕的杜希格路1240号. 漫步在正式的花园,然后在法国风格的城堡露台上坐下, where you can sip bubbles, snack on caviar, and toast to an amazing day in Wine Country.

Arch & Tower
Enjoy wine, housemade bites, and river views at Arch & Tower in downtown Napa. Photo courtesy of Arch & Tower

如果你更喜欢城市酒庄,不要错过罗伯特•蒙大维(Robert Mondavi)的新酒庄 Arch & Tower tasting room. 位于俯瞰纳帕河,在第930街在纳帕,拱门 & 塔是市中心纳帕的最新地点啜饮著名的葡萄酒,同时享受策划的食物搭配. If you plan it right, 你可以在夕阳西下的黄金时间品尝一杯葡萄酒, before heading out to dinner.


Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

如果你“只是”在一个整顿饭都固定在地上的时尚空间里寻找特别的食物, Napa has some extraordinary restaurants. Angèle Restaurant & Bar, 位于纳帕市中心主街540号的河边小酒馆, will transport you to France for the evening. And dining at Morimoto Napa, located just a few doors down at 610 Main Street, feels like a trip to Japan, complete with sushi, sake, and even a little shopping.

We also adore the food at The Grove at the CIA, located at 500 1st Street in Napa. Here, shareable, 地中海风格的菜肴都塞满了食材从Copia自己的现场花园.

However, if you’re looking for a more unusual dining experience, 你可以通过陆地或海洋来一次真正的烹饪之旅. 穿过纳帕的郁郁葱葱的风景,乘坐火车回到过去 Napa Valley Wine Train, located at 1275 Mckinstry Street in Napa. 这种经典的纳帕体验可在白天的葡萄酒之旅, but they also offer a multi-course dinner at night. If that doesn’t float your boat, a Winemaker Cruise definitely will. 乘坐50英尺长的游艇沿着纳帕河滑行,同时享受四道菜的晚餐和葡萄酒搭配. 这艘船从位于纳帕河畔路100号的纳帕游艇俱乐部出发.


每个人都应该有一个完美的加州葡萄酒之乡体验充满惊人的食物, wine, and scenery. 时间紧迫的人可以参加这么多活动, a day trip in Napa Valley is totally doable. Time to start planning!