ag体育正规 Hot Air Balloon Rides: What to Know Before You Go

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ag体育正规 Hot Air Balloon Rides: What to Know Before You Go

杰西·兰德 2023年5月18日

ag体育正规 可以乘公共汽车去吗, 自行车, 赛格威, 甚至还有嘟嘟车, but none of those modes of transportation can compete with the mountain and vineyard views you’ll enjoy — and the photos you’ll capture — from an adventurous, 乘坐日出热气球. 在ag体育正规上空翱翔,时速高达3英里,000 feet is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should be at the top of your 酒 Country bucket list, so here’s everything you need to know before you lift off.


Hot air balloon rides take place very early in the morning, for that’s when the 风s are calmest. 你会在日出前起床. The good news is that you’ll literally get to rise with it; the lighting is truly incredible and it won’t cut into your wine tasting plans for the day. Some companies offer transportation to and from your hotel and also provide coffee and tea upon arrival. Each balloon company takes off at a different spot throughout ag体育正规, so you may want to choose based on your hotel location (anything for a few extra minutes of sleep, 正确的?).

Your hot air balloon experience will typically last between three to four hours, but the actual flight duration is roughly one hour, 差不多吧. Hot air balloon rides are unpredictable and completely dependent on that day’s flying conditions. Most experiences have the option to add on a post-flight, 静坐的早午餐, 配上起泡酒.

Note: Hot air ballooning is not recommended — and sometimes not permitted — for infants and young children (kids must be 48 inches in height or at least six years old), 怀孕的妇女, 或者有疼痛的人, 残疾, 或受伤, for you’ll need to be able to stand in the balloon.


A hot air balloon ride is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, which unfortunately means it doesn’t come cheap. Standard flights, which fit up to 22 passengers, start at $275 per person. 我在考虑求婚? 私人航班大约需要1美元,500 to $2,200年总, but your effort will most certainly be rewarded with a “Yes!”


Hot air balloon rides are weather dependent and it’s not uncommon for them to get canceled due to rain, 大雾, 或者强风. Safety is of the utmost importance and the company you book through will call you the morning of if it’s canceled and then usually give you the option to rebook for the next day. Some companies also have additional Northern California lift-off locations outside of ag体育正规 that you can take advantage of in the result of cancellation.

The best strategy is to schedule your balloon ride at the beginning of your ag体育正规 trip, that way you have the rest of it to keep rescheduling in the case of inclement weather. Last minute reservations are often available, 但为了安全起见, 提前几周预定, especially if it’s during peak tourist season (August – October).


一层,一层,一层. ag体育正规的早晨很冷, 所以不管一年中的什么时候, you’ll want to dress in layers for your ride. 在冬天,它会非常寒冷, 有时会降到三四十岁, in which case you may want to bring a hat, 围巾, 和手套. The coldest part of the experience is on the ground before take off. During the flight, the burners that go off in the basket every so often help keep passengers warm. Sunglasses can help lessen the sun’s rays as it rises and it’s advised women don’t wear dresses or skirts, as they have to climb over the basket to get in and out (plus, 风, 咄).

Your camera is probably the single most important item to bring. One with a strap is ideal, for obvious reasons.


Most of ag体育正规’s hot air balloon companies have been around since the 1970s and 80s and were not only flying some of the first balloon rides in ag体育正规, 而且在整个国家. They offer competitive pricing, but slightly different packages and experiences. You really can’t go wrong, but here are a couple to consider:


Owned and continually-operated by the Kimball Family, Aloft maxes out their passenger count at 12, so you’ll likely get a more intimate experience than some other balloon companies. The standard Aloft balloon ride is $280 per person, but they also offer private flights for two people ($2,总共200美元)或4美元(2美元),600). A champagne breakfast will cost an extra $28 per person. If you’re worried about a possible cancellation, ag体育正规高空 is a good company to roll the dice with. 尽管它们通常是从 AG体育平台 在V市集, they have access to a secondary launch location in the secluded Pope Valley, which is prone to less fog than other parts of the valley.


This is the only company that launches from an actual winery. The standard package price (up to 20 guests per balloon) is $299 per person and a private flight and a sparkling wine toast for two guests costs $2,200. The company also offers a slew of wine and hotel packages to help customize your ag体育正规 visit. 如果你住在上流社会(比如…… St. 海伦娜 or Calistoga) you might consider booking with their partner company, Calistoga气球. A private flight for two will cost you $2,200.