
  • Wineries
  • on JULY 25, 2018
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By Jess Lander July 25, 2018

ag体育正规有500个选择,许多酒庄找到了独特的方式来吸引游客. Some will invite you into their wine caves, for instance, while others might offer a cheese pairing, or even a multi-course wine and food experience. Pine Ridge Vineyards does all three.

藏在ag体育正规著名的雄鹿跳跃区西尔维拉多步道-最著名的是在1976年的巴黎审判中将ag体育正规葡萄酒放在世界地图上-松树岭葡萄园欢迎客人在两个最丰富和难忘的地方 wine tasting experiences in all of Northern California’s Wine Country. 我很幸运地体验了他们的两项高级服务:品酒和洞穴之旅(包括奶酪搭配)和品尝松树岭, which pairs five wines with gourmet bites. 两者都很棒,价格也很实惠,所以继续读下去,决定哪一个适合你.

The Tours

Pine Ridge Vineyards
Photo Courtesy of Jen Schmitz and Jess Lander

这些松树岭的经验开始与欢迎溅起的葡萄酒和参观庄园葡萄园, cellar, and caves. The Wine Tasting and Cave Tour is the most extensive, roughly 90 minutes and includes a barrel sample. The Savor tour is an abridged version, 因为人们更加关注即将到来的食物和葡萄酒搭配.

Starting in front of the estate vineyard, we learned about the soils, 松树岭葡萄园是如何在山谷中最陡峭的斜坡上种植葡萄藤的, the grape growing process, and the history of the winery dating back to 1978. We weren’t empty handed either, soaking in this knowledge while sipping a delightful chardonnay; it was a perfect balance between light and crisp and elegant and rich.

在这两次旅行中,给我留下深刻印象的一个主题就是科技. Winemaker Michael Beaulac 显然,他不仅关心保持葡萄酒的品质,还关心提高葡萄酒的品质. 他和他的团队掌握着行业中最新和最伟大的进步,甚至正在进行他们自己的实验,以使整个地区受益.

In the vineyard, for example, vineyard manager Gustavo Avina, who has been with Pine Ridge Vineyards since 2003, has installed innovative, vineyard climate stations. 这使得他可以通过智能手机远程控制灌溉等事情. In the cellar, 松树岭葡萄园从意大利进口了一些非常昂贵的混凝土发酵罐, which kind of look like Apollo spacecrafts. Beaulac mentioned he’s still experimenting with them, 但它们会给葡萄酒增添额外的新鲜感. 我可以继续说下去,但我不想把这些都说出来.

Pine Ridge Vineyards
Photo Courtesy of Jen Schmitz

在32000平方米的地下130英尺的地方,游览结束. ft. cave, home to 3,由超过四分之三英里的隧道组成(这对于一个葡萄酒洞穴来说相当大)。. 我个人已经记不清我在世界各地见过多少酒洞了, everything from damp, 几个世纪前手工挖掘的洞穴,到精心装饰的大理石洞穴. Because of this, I’m not easily moved by what a winery has underground, 但松树岭葡萄园(Pine Ridge Vineyards)凉爽的洞穴确实因其提供的体验而引人注目.

This isn’t the standard cave walk through; we actually got to stay awhile, sit down, and taste the wines. 背景中叉车的声音并没有让人分心, as a cool and authentic addition to the experience.

The Good Stuff

Pine Ridge Vineyards
Photo Courtesy of Jen Schmitz

松树岭葡萄园是纳帕出租车屋的定义. Yes, they produce some other wines, like chardonnay and rosé, but cabernet is undeniably their signature grape.

酿酒师团队从ag体育正规周围最好的产区(AVAs)生产单一名称的出租车:鹿跃, Rutherford, Oakville, and Howell Mountain. 所有的葡萄酒都提供了一个独特的机会来品尝ag体育正规, identify the differences in the varying terroirs, and then determine which AVA you fancy the most. My favorite AVA has consistently been Rutherford, known for its unique “Rutherford Dust” soil, 这一点在我参观松岭葡萄园的过程中得到了重申.

葡萄酒和奶酪的搭配是在洞穴里一个亲密的圆桌上进行的, set in front of a gorgeous Chihuly glass sculpture. At my seat, 有三个酒杯和一个装着三种奶酪的盘子, dried fruits, and house-made, savory biscotti. 为了这次品尝,我们尝试了Rutherford、Oakville和Stags Leap三款出租车,每一款都搭配了一种奶酪.

我以前做奶酪搭配的时候,通常都是用当地的奶酪. I’m all for supporting the local farmers, 但我也很欣赏松树岭葡萄园把质量放在首位,选择完美匹配的葡萄酒来展示他们的葡萄酒. They’ve carefully selected dynamite cheeses (two hard, one soft) from France, Spain, and Holland, 它们太好吃了,我把它们的名字都写下来了,这样我以后就可以去找它们了.

Pine Ridge Vineyards
Photo Courtesy of Jess Lander Vineyards

奶酪搭配确实令人愉悦,但如果你想要终极VIP体验,请预订《AG体育平台》. It takes place in a chic and cozy cave lounge called Cellar 47 — the kind of place you’d hope to hide out in during an apocalypse; think, chic, colorful furniture and rugs, 有多个角落可供休闲和啜饮,我们可以品尝到各种各样的葡萄酒. One-by-one, 我们品尝了五种解百纳:四种单一名称的cabernet, plus FORTIS, 该酒庄的旗舰解百纳(cabernet)用最好的葡萄酿制而成(就像它的名字一样,又大又粗)。. 每瓶售价225美元,品尝它真是一种享受. 每款葡萄酒都配有由酿酒厂主厨Susan Lassalette精心准备的美味佳肴. 菜单保持不变,只有在新年份发布时才会改变.

Pine Ridge Vineyards
Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Pine Ridge Vineyards

不管你对赤霞珠的搭配有什么期待,其中只有一种是牛肉. Lassalette gets creative with unconventional pairings, 证明了酒和食物搭配的规则就是用来被打破的. My favorite bite was the savory, Parmesan panna cotta, 不过我最终觉得今天最好的搭配是尼曼牧场牛肉肉馅卷饼配辣味香辣酱. 至于其他的咬伤,我会让你自己去发现.

Just when we thought we were finished with Savor, 我们得到了额外的惊喜:一对定制的巧克力作为甜点.

The Wine Tasting and Cave Tour ($75) is offered daily at 10 AM and 2 PM. Savor Pine Ridge ($125 per person) is offered daily at 11 AM and 1 PM. Both experiences last roughly 90 minutes.

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